Kindle Ritual from Brian Johnson Coming Soon...

Kindle Ritual from Brian G. Johnson and Danny Ramdenee is scheduled to launch September 20, 2012. It promises to provide an easy to use solution for anyone who has failed in the past when it came to publishing eBooks on the Amazon Kindle platform.

Not just another Kindle training course aimed at  beginners, Kindle Ritual is reported. it include an impressive WordPress software that creates Kindle formatted ebooks and professional looking covers as well.

I will purchase my own copy of  Kindle Ritual the day it launches so I can provide an in depth review of this latest Kindle ebook software.

I'm a big fan of Brian and own most of his products for the simple reason that they work. In case you didn't know, Brian Johnson is the guy behind some of the most successful Internet Marketing products sold.

They include:

  • Push Button SEO
  • Commission Ritual 
  • Rank & Pillage
  • Secret Affiliate Code 1&2
  • Auto Content Cash
  • and many others...
 So I'm confident that Kindle Ritual will be another winner. Stay tuned and visit often as the launch date approaches for timely updates on my Kindle Ritual Review.

Recommended Reading

How To Create A Kindle eBook